Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Time to See the Light – Social Media Can No Longer be Denied

If you’ve been living in a cave (or in denial) Social Media may not seem to be important to your company.  But it’s time to see the light: Social Media can help you achieve your online marketing objectives. Actually, Social Media can help you achieve your business objectives.

The Advantages of a Social Media Strategy 

Companies of all sizes in a variety of U.S. and global industries are finding that Social Media brings a few unexpected, yet valuable results:
  • Increased Website Traffic
  • Improved Customer Relationship Management
  • Enhanced Reputation & Industry Leadership Positioning
  • Business Development Success
SEO is Greatly Impacted by Social Media

If the above results you can get from Social Media aren’t enough to convince you to deny your denial of the importance of Social Media – there is yet one more reason why it’s time to step into the social world we now live in: Google uses data from your social media presence as an important algorithm in determining your position in organic search positions. (Bing algorithms have included social media performance for a while.)

A few of the social media activities Google will be evaluating include:
  • Quality Twitter Followers (not just reciprocal followers)
  • Retweets (Twitter)
  • Liked Tweets
  • Links to Facebook Profile
So, wha’ dya think? Isn’t it time to integrate Social Media into your SEO Strategy?


Of course, there is a technical process that you must follow for best results:  Social Media Optimization.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

SEO Vital 5 for 2011: Take a Step Back

As we all get excited about moving forward in 2011, I would like to suggest that we take a step back when it comes to Search Engine Optimization.

Make Basic SEO One of your 2011 Business Resolutions

A successful Search Engine Optimization strategy needs to include a variety of tactics to push your site further up the search engine listings. But, with all the new advancements in technology and digital marketing it’s easy to become overwhelmed, side-tracked, and more at risk of losing a strong online presence (or never getting one in the first place).

So, it’s time review my Vital 5: the basics of SEO that will help your company start off the New Year with a solid foundation for your 2011 Internet marketing initiatives.

The SEO Vital 5
  1. Website Design.  No matter how gorgeous your site may be if it isn’t developed with user and SEO-friendly components, it’s not going to bring your company the results you may be expecting or needing.  Make sure you have a good SEO-friendly architecture: your link structure must be properly established and navigable. Additionally, one mistake that many designers and developers make is that they are not aware of canonical URL issues. (Get in touch with Awareness Creation for more details about this potential SEO penalty situation!)  If you’re the beholder of the beauty of your site, take a closer look to make sure it’s not just a pretty face.
  2. Keyword Research & Development.  Before any content for the website is written, it’s necessary that research is completed to discover the terms that are actually being used by your audience. Marketers often think they “know” the terms being used by people who are searching for information about their products or services. However, professional research will often shine a different light on the keywords that must be used within the website, meta data, and all online communications content. Once a user-centric list of keywords is established, these keywords can help propel your website to the top of search engine listings as well as help you better reach your audience. Also, be aware of the proper use of keywords within meta data and content – it can make or break your SEO success.
  3. Web Content Optimization. Website copywriting is not the same as any other marketing copywriting. Many companies still use content from their print materials for their website content – which is not going to help improve the user experience or search listing positioning. Website copywriting requires an understanding of the science and art of online copywriting not only for websites but for all online communications.
  4. Inbound Link Building. The number of links coming into your site is not as important as the quality of those inbound links. Many marketers are still under the wrong impression that as long as they have hundreds (or thousands) of incoming links, they’re golden. Not so. Search engines pay attention to who is linking to your site and how those links were acquired. Keeping up with inbound link building requirements will improve your search engine positioning.
  5. Ongoing Web Analytics Review & Reporting. Many website owners have a wealth of information at their fingertips about the performance of their website, campaigns, SEO, and audience trends but never take advantage of that resource: website analytics applications or web logs. If you don’t have a web analytics application intact, get Google Analytics; it’s free, and it will provide invaluable information about the realities of your website. Of course, interpreting the data takes some expertise but it is worth it. Web logs are not my favorite resource but if you have them at least look into them to see if you can scrape together some useful data. Web logs (usually provided by your hosting company) are a little clunky to go through and may tend to focus more on technical rather than user issues but use ‘em if you got ‘em.
Each of the vital tactics, above, must be integrated into one Search Engine Optimization Strategy. So, the first thing I recommend is that you get a professional strategy established and follow it to the letter. If you don’t have the resources to implement the strategy all at once (the best option), create a monthly plan that will include SEO deliverables. Once your SEO Strategy is in place, keep it going – SEO is not a one-time thing.

It is possible – and vital - to get on the right SEO track for 2011. At a loss about how and where to start? Do you feel your existing SEO is not delivering the results you need? Or, are you a commitment phobe not wanting to deal with the continuing requirements of a relationship with your SEO? No worries, just get in touch with an expert SEO Consultant.

Here’s wishing all of you successful SEO and a fabulous 2011!
