Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Time to See the Light – Social Media Can No Longer be Denied

If you’ve been living in a cave (or in denial) Social Media may not seem to be important to your company.  But it’s time to see the light: Social Media can help you achieve your online marketing objectives. Actually, Social Media can help you achieve your business objectives.

The Advantages of a Social Media Strategy 

Companies of all sizes in a variety of U.S. and global industries are finding that Social Media brings a few unexpected, yet valuable results:
  • Increased Website Traffic
  • Improved Customer Relationship Management
  • Enhanced Reputation & Industry Leadership Positioning
  • Business Development Success
SEO is Greatly Impacted by Social Media

If the above results you can get from Social Media aren’t enough to convince you to deny your denial of the importance of Social Media – there is yet one more reason why it’s time to step into the social world we now live in: Google uses data from your social media presence as an important algorithm in determining your position in organic search positions. (Bing algorithms have included social media performance for a while.)

A few of the social media activities Google will be evaluating include:
  • Quality Twitter Followers (not just reciprocal followers)
  • Retweets (Twitter)
  • Liked Tweets
  • Links to Facebook Profile
So, wha’ dya think? Isn’t it time to integrate Social Media into your SEO Strategy?


Of course, there is a technical process that you must follow for best results:  Social Media Optimization.

1 comment:

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