Thursday, September 19, 2013

Internet Marketing - Digital Marketing – Web Marketing – Online Marketing: SEO, SEM, PPC, SMM, OPR, ETC. WTH???

We’re finding there is some confusion about the basic difference between “Internet Marketing”, “Digital Marketing”, “Online Marketing”, and “Web Marketing”; not to mention the fog surrounding the concepts of SEO, SEM, PPC, etc. and how all of these tactics relate to your overall Marketing and Brand objectives. At Awareness Creation, we see all of this confusion as an unruly beast running amok in the minds of marketers and execs within companies of all sizes, in practically all industries. 

Sooo… to help tame the beast I thought I’d put together a map that shows how the various tactics we use relate to one another and converge to create effective Internet Marketing Strategies:

Oh. I see. No wonder there’s a lot of head scratching goin’ on out there. Bottom line:  take my word for it! Once these tactics come together in a professionally developed Internet Marketing strategy, the out-of-control beast turns into a benevolent saint. It's a beautiful thing!